

Introduction of C#(C sharp)


C#(C sharp) - allcomputerlanguages123


C#  is spoken as C sharp and is an ultramodern, general purpose and object-familiar programming language used with XML web services .NET Platform. It is generally designed to increase productivity in web operations. Drugs are easier to learn for those who have a good knowledge of common programming languages ​​like C or Java.

C#  is a multi programming language, C# includes branches of programming such as Static Typing, Lexly Scoped, Compulsory, Functional, General, Object-Oriented. The .NET Framework is used as the programming language of C#.

 What's C#     

C# is a programming language familiar with the object provided by Microsoft that runs. Dot net framework. Using the C#  programming language, we can develop a variety of secure and robust operations windows, web operations, distributed operations, and database operations.

The C# was designed by Microsoft's Anders Hagelsberg in 2000 and was later approved as an international standard by Ecma and ISO. C# is designed for CLI (Common Language Structure). CLI is a specification that describes executable law and runtime terrain. C# programming language is told by C, Java, Eiffel, Modula-3, Pascaletc. languages.

C# Function

Work is a block of law. The function is used to execute the statements specified in the block. The following factors are:

·         Function Name: Function is used to call a function, but it has a unique name.

·         Return type:  That return a function value.

·         Main part: Executable statements are written in this block.

·         Access Specifier: Used to specify the availability of a function in operation.

C#  Syntax

        FunctionName ()


            // function body

            // return statement


Access-specifier, parameters and return statement are {voluntary|voluntary}.


·         C# is a ultramodern, type-safe, easy, presto, and open- source programming language that's fluently integrated with Windows.

·         The conservation of C# (C sharp) is lower than the C programming language.

·         C# is a pure object- acquainted programming language.

·         C# includes a strong memory backup installation. That is why it avoids the problem of memory leakage.


·         C# is less flexible because it's fully grounded on Microsoft. Net frame.

·         In C#, it's delicate to write, understand, remedy, and maintain multithreaded operations.


The language aims to develop the right software components. The purpose of C# is to write applications for both hosted and embedded systems, ranging from larger systems using sophisticated operating systems to smaller ones with dedicated functions.




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